Welcome to Imperfect

The Newsletter for women about life & business on your terms, through imperfect action and aligned intention.

imperfect newsletter -issue 001

This has been a long time coming.

It's something I've wanted to start for months, although I think deep down, this has been brewing for years.

First, I will be crystal clear about who this is for. That doesn't mean you won't find value here if you don't fit this demographic, but let me just put this out there right from the start...

This newsletter is for Women.

Specifically women over 40.

Now let's drill down a little further and say this is targeted to women over 40 who consider themselves entrepreneurs and business owners.

What is imperfect?

A newsletter about life & business on your terms, through imperfect action and aligned intention.

I'll be talking about my experience, observations, challenges, and wins as it pertains to business and life. My business is such an extension of myself that I don't see a definitive separation, but I know there's something to tease out.

There are a handful of things that have inspired the creation of imperfect, but it's mainly that I want to support other women in pursuing what they want - whatever that is.

And that doing it imperfectly is better than not doing it at all.

The world NEEDS more women to show up and do the thing they feel inspired to do.

There will probably be some ranting against the patriarchy here and there, but I have zero desire to pursue conversations about politics.

I want to move towards something.

A Little About Me

I started an online business in 2008 with two main goals: After being widowed in 2003, I wanted to be around for my children and create a life of freedom. Simple to start but I've always had big goals. You can read more about my story here.

Kim Doyal Business Journey

My business has progressed over the years and now I have two companies: my personal brand and the recently launched new company called "Create It" - and our first product is a content planner.

I write a lot about online business, specifically email and content marketing.

Imperfect will be more about life and how it fits with my business... and how my goal is to pivot that more to my business fitting my life. And hear my heart, I'm not complaining... I'm simply at an age where I want to do more than just work (hence my other newsletter, #FtheHUSTLE).

I also want to do my part to highlight and share other amazing women - whether they're an entrepreneur or not. Because we NEED that. We need more women supporting and uplifting other women.

Here comes the rant... 👇

I'm beyond tired of seeing listicle posts of people doing extraordinary things or lineups of speakers at events only to realize it's predominantly men. It's ridiculous. Think I need to curate what I consume a little better? 100%.

And that starts now.

I recently sent an email to my list with the subject line "The Great Unsubscribe"... where I had unsubscribed from a bunch of lists and newsletters because it was an endless string of emails where men were promoting the same men. Over and over and over again.

Yawn. 🥱

All that being said, plenty of men see beyond that and do their part to highlight and promote women. Those are the men I'm interested in having conversations with and promoting (or whose content I will happily share).

And even though I mentioned that my target audience is women over 40 (I'm Gen X, so that's where my perspective is coming from), there is nothing in me that is interested in the argument for or against any generation.

Every generation has its shit show to deal with, and pointing fingers helps no one. My Mother's generation (and generations of women before them), had things to deal with that I couldn't even imagine (how about not being able to open a bank account in their own names until the 1960s or get a credit card in their own name until 1974?! WTAF).

My daughter and niece's generation (Gen Z) has a slew of challenges to face that I can't even comprehend (as much as I love technology, I'm grateful I didn't have to add social media to the mix during puberty).

This won't just be about business.

If I've learned anything during my 52 years on this planet, it's that life is full of ups and downs. My therapist always reminds me that it's ebb and flow... and it's our job to stay in the flow (lots of wisdom from her... so no doubt those lessons will show up here too).

The truth that would have felt sacrilegious to my younger, optimistic self is that life is hard.

But that doesn't mean it's not worth it.

As I sit here writing this from my place in Costa Rica (more on that in another issue), the skies are blue with a few white clouds after a night of intense rain and thunder so loud it woke me up a few times.

We need the rain just as much as we need the sunshine.

Imperfect is an experiment of sorts and a place to step into my own purpose on a deeper level.

I know I was put on this earth to create and inspire, and I hope you join me on this journey.

Here's to being imperfect and doing it anyway.