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Inspired Action is Worth the Wait

It's all about trust

Inspired Action

For as long as I can remember, I've always prided myself on "getting things done." 

When I was younger, the more I accomplished and checked off my to-do list, the better! Somehow I equated my value with how productive I could be. I received a lot of recognition and validation, so naturally, I wanted to keep it up.

This was how I lived my life.

Every. Single. Day.

The thought of it makes me want to take a nap. 😅

Fortunately, those days are more or less behind me, but it takes conscious effort and consistent practice (which feels more like play than practice these days). 

I'm winding down work before heading back to California for Christmas this week, and I have a good chunk of things that need to be done for my business before I go.

So naturally, I found myself hitting a wall over the last few days (this has to be one of those universal laws or something).

There are plenty of reasons for hitting the wall, but that's not what I want to share with you today (we all have full plates, especially at this time of year). I want to talk about what I did when I hit the wall.

Little girl taking a nap on the beach

I woke up every day fully intending to keep working through my list of things to get done, but by midday I just... needed... to... close... my... eyes.

You know that feeling you get when your eyes sting a little bit because you feel so tired?

Yea, that.

So I did the only thing I could do... I happily climbed into bed and let go of everything that needed to be done, trusting that it would get done. 

Because you know what?

Everything always gets done. 

And if it doesn't, it didn't "need" to be done.

Two Types of Action

More often than not, even when I don't want to do something or am feeling a little bit sluggish, I know I will feel better for getting moving and getting the 'thing' done.

The first law of motion:

“An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.”

Sir Isaac Newton

This is the first type of action.

Basic action (activity) that gets the body moving and endorphins released, resulting in a better feeling state.

This is great, but there's an even better type of action. 

Inspired Action.

This action comes from a place deep within when you've taken the time to rest, refuel, and recharge... it has its own unique energy.

It feels sweet.

What can you accomplish from this place?


That's where the magic happens. 🪄

After a recent session with my therapist, I did a doodle about inspired action. We did a quick visualization and when she commented that what I had done was inspired action I replied that I felt like I "took the lid off of inspired action."

And that was the place I was working from now.

Inspired Action

The first step to inspired action, as contrary as it sounds, is no action.

Which doesn't mean you don't do anything. 

It means you Trust.

You trust that...

  • You've got your own back (this covers a lot... you trust your heart, your decisions, your love, and all of your life experiences that brought you here)

  • Everything is going to work out for the highest good

  • You can achieve what you want

  • Your desires are worth pursuing

  • Rest is necessary

  • You are loved

  • The world needs YOU

When you lean into trust, there's nothing to worry about.

Which brings an incredible level of peace and sweetness. 

That's where inspired action comes from.

And it feels incredible.

And because life is fluid (i.e., never dull 😉), we get back to business and take action to get shit done. Again.

BUT... you can't unring that bell.

Once you've had a taste of trust + inspired action... you know you can operate from that place again. 

As frustrating as this might sound, it all comes down to choosing how you want to feel.

As you head into the holidays with loved ones, let go of things needing perfection (Pinterestized). Focus on being present, spending time with people you care about, and enjoying the moment.

I'll leave you with this lovely reminder and a wish for the happiest holidays.

Women need other women

With much love & gratitude,Kim

p.s. The next imperfect issue will be sent out after the first of the year. See you in 2023 🥂